CamelsNFT is a project created at the end of 2022 as a free mint collection. One of the goals of the project was to gather a solid community, which is a very important thing to have. Creating anything based on fake hype is very shortsighted, that's why we focused on building authenticity first. The end of 2022 and all of 2023 were bearish years for NFT collections. Despite this, CamelsNFT continued to develop and gain an audience organically. Today on this webpage you can see the next step of the project - Camels 3D. Anyone who owns two Camels from the previous collection is entitled to claim one Camel 3D for free, if you have four Camels you can claim two Camels 3D and so on.
On this page you can view your collection of Camels and use them to claim your Camels 3D. You can also check which Camels have already been used to claim Camels 3D or which can be used for such purpose here
If you are new in Camels communinty and you interested in joining our project, you can mint Camel 3D for a small fee of 0.015 ETH or 0.01 ETH if you are whitelisted.
distribution of camels 3d
what will Camels 3D be?
Profile Picture-orientated NFT collections took the crypto space by a storm in early 2021. Looking at the current trends, it is easy to see that many collections are looking to build their brand by bringing their NFTs to life. We want that too! We want CamelsNFT to be recognized not only as a great community led by CryptoDave, but also for the detailed work in 3D art created by Keid. The possibilities offered by 3D will make it easier in the future to use the Camels avatars by collaborating with existing companies who are already working on their metaverse e.g Nifty Island.
traits of Camels 3D
In total Camels 3D will have 309 traits (with "none" included). Some traits like: t-shirt, hoodies, fullcaps have color variations which lead to over 450 visual different traits!
it's a marathon, not a sprint
Once the collection is minted, the next steps will be to work on getting Camels 3D to the point where we can be integrated as a project and participate in gaming trends led by larger companies.
Those who request the files for their Camels 3D will receive them as T-Pose .fbx. The files will be shared gradually, because every outfit trait needs additional work and optimization. Why? To speed up process of creating Camels 3D, most of outfit traits were finished only in part that is visible in PFP. At first Camels 3D were made to exist as PFP only and idea of sharing files came up in the middle of the process.
By owning the Camel 3D NFT, you own all the rights to it, so you can create your identity on web3 with support of CamelsNFT community.
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